The first man made satellite was made more than 50 years ago! It was called Sputnik, made by the Soviet Union. This new satellite started the age of exploring space. Sputnik's mission was to orbit the earth and start the exploration of space. Since then the satellite has reached the Because of it we have understood more about space, the history of our planet and how the universe works. It has lead to discoveries which shaped our civilization. Even though the launch was a "big leap for man kind", the launch opened another phase of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
This phase of the Cold War led to the president of The United States of America (Dwight Eisenhower) who was stunned by the Soviet Union to create the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), formally launching the "Space Race" between the United States and the Soviet Union. This "space race" lead to the moon landing, other satellites like voyager 1 which is in interstellar space right now.