Whenever you go on a road trip with your buddies from school and you get lost, you use the G.P.S to figure out the way right? Well satellites take your location and send it to the G.P.S receivers who help you figure out the way using data the satellites picked up of that surrounding area ("Satellite Navigation"). Satellites have not only helped us not get lost but they are also the reason you can talk with your friends and family on the phone. I'm sure you like traveling in the plane right? Well guess what, satellites also provide in-flight communication which allows the pilots to talk with the Air Traffic Control Tower. They make sure everything runs smoothly and planes crash into each other.
Satellites help scientists like astrophysicists, quantum physicists, etc. in many apsects. They help scientists scale the earth. The satellites go and explore space. They go far in our solar system to discover new things that help us understand how the universe works. They have discovered new things in our solar system like planets, comets, etc.